Palma Washingtonia
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Založen: 12.04.2005 Příspěvky: 50 Bydliště: Brno
Předmět: Palma Washingtonia
Přitlapkováno: 26. 10. 2005 18:55:38 |
Můžete mi prosím někdo poradit, jestli je palma Washingtonia jedovatá?
Děkuji moc. |

Založen: 15.07.2005 Příspěvky: 129 Bydliště: Kladno
Přitlapkováno: 27. 10. 2005 8:56:38 |
Nemohu zaručit na 100%, ale nikde jsem nic nečetla, že by byla jedovatá.
Washingtonia Palms
(5) Petticoat Palm (Washingtonia filifera): This palm is native to southern California, western Arizona, and northwestern Mexico. It may grow to a height of 50 feet. Often the dead leaves remain attached to the trunk giving the appearance of being skirted. If the leaves are removed, the trunk appears light gray and somewhat thicker than Washingtonia robusta. It may be three feet in diameter, but not enlarged at the base. The leaves may be six feet or more in diameter and fan shaped. The petiole or leaf stalk may extend six feet or more from the trunk, and the leaf base at the point of attachment may be six inches wide. The petiole is armed with prominent green teeth. The small numerous white flowers are followed by fruit 1/3 of an inch long, 1/4 inch wide and lightly wrinkled. This palm is slightly more cold-hardy than W. robusta. Both Washingtonia palms are fast growing with W. robusta being the fastest.
(6) Southern Washingtonia (Washingtonia robusta): This palm is native to northwest Mexico. The trunk may extend to 80 feet. It is usually more slender except for an expanded base. The trunk is reddish brown and a crisscross pattern of leaf bases may be evident, however, not nearly as prominent as palmetto. The leaves are fan shaped, bright green and usually not as wide as W. filifera. The petiole is reddish brown and toothed. Both species of Washingtonia are difficult to distinguish. This Washingtonia is slightly less cold hardy than W. filifera. |

Založen: 12.04.2005 Příspěvky: 50 Bydliště: Brno
Přitlapkováno: 28. 10. 2005 19:32:23 |
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